This course gives a basic introduction to machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). Through an algorithmic approach, the students are given a practical understanding of the methods being ...
Statistical analysis is becoming more and more complex, both because of bigger data and many types of data and because of the use of more advanced methods and models. This course deals with numerical ...
This course gives a thorough introduction to linear algebra with emphasis on vector spaces, linear maps, spectral theory, orthogonality and applications of this theory. MATLAB is used for ...
This course has joint teaching with ECON9300B – Advanced Macroeconomic Theory. Macroeconomic theory with main emphasis on dynamic general equilibrium models. Mathematical tools for modern dynamic ...
This course provides an overview of a range of resources and practical bioinformatic tools that are used in molecular biology. Scientists actively developing and applying bioinformatic tools in their ...
This course provides an introduction to key concepts and methods in bioinformatics. Emphasis will be put on review of efficient algorithms, data structures, and techniques used in current applications ...
Refugee and Asylum Law addresses forced migration and the role of law in determining the need for international protection within determination proceedings. Students will study the 1951 Convention on ...
The lectures will deal with the basics of the earth system with an emphasis on interactions between its components (atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere). Observed changes in the state of ...
The course examines the fundamental dynamics at work in all geophysical systems, from the mantle to the atmosphere. These include time-dependent processes, advection and diffusion. Each process is ...
The course studies legal rules on data protection — i.e., a set of norms that specifically govern the processing of data relating to persons (personal data) in order to protect, at least partly, the ...
The course provides a review of data structures such as stacks, trees, graphs, hash tables and priority queues, as well as algorithms for sorting, searching, insertion, and so on. Various ...
In this course, we study British history within the framework of one out of three centuries: the 18th, 19th or 20th century. A main aim of the course is to train the students in the historical ...