Applying to university is a big step, but it doesn’t have to feel like a daunting one. From understanding the process, to the key dates you need to know and how to submit the perfect UCAS application, ...
Zhongmin is an Associate Professor in Economics. His research areas are Labour Economics, China Economy, and Applied Econometrics. Zhongmin’s teaching responsibilities include supervising ...
With over 150 academic experts with knowledge and experience across the breadth of the discipline, NTU Psychology in the School of Social Sciences at NTU is one of the largest departments in the UK.
The Department of Social and Political Sciences is home to a range of exciting and contemporary undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Our subject areas are Sociology, Politics, International ...
Stack your choice of microcredentials and build towards a postgraduate certificate in leadership and management practice from Nottingham Business School. This flexible certificate will give you the ...
With strong industry links, the Department of Journalism & Media at NTU delivers cutting-edge courses and training at the forefront of journalism and media education. Our links with local and national ...
We offer prestigious, competitive scholarships to new international and European students. You must have an offer to study a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate course at NTU to apply for a ...
We will only charge fines when an item that has been recalled is not returned by the due date. They are as follows: £0.25 (25p) per day for one week, to a maximum of £5.00 per item. £0.25 (25p) per ...
Applying to one of our MBA programmes is simple and convenient with our online application form. You can save your progress and return to complete your application at any time. Along with the form, ...
Yvonne is Head of Department, Human Resource Management, and has a School wide role as Head of International Affairs. Yvonne completed her Doctoral Studies in 2002 when she researched the impact of ...
Michael is the director of the Centre of the Built Environment. He provides academic leadership in mentoring new researchers and PhD students. Michael has supervised dissertations and PhDs in real ...