with DreamWorks Animation’s “Shrek 5” pushing back from July 1, 2026 to Wednesday, Dec. 23, while Illumination’s “Minions 3” moves into that summer 2026 window from its planned June 30 ...
At the same time, the studio said Friday it is moving up Illumination’s Minions 3 from June 30, 2027 to Shrek 5‘s previous July 2026 date. That’s because the Minions and Gru have ruled the ...
It's also been revealed that an untitled Illumination event movie has moved from March 19, 2027 to Minions 3's vacant June date. Shrek 5 is being released to coincide with DreamWorks' 25th ...
Shrek and the Minions will both be on the big screen in 2026. Universal Pictures announced Friday that the highly-anticipated animated movies are swapping their theatrical release dates, with ...
Universal Pictures has delayed Shrek 5 by a few months to December 23, 2026 while putting Despicable 3 spin-off Minions 3 in its original slot. As reported by Variety, Minions 3 will therefore now ...
Universal has announced that DreamWorks Animation’s “Shrek 5” will be moving from July 1, 2026, to Dec. 23, 2026. In its place, Universal will open Illumination’s “Minions 3,” which ...
This is per the doomspeakers over at Deadline, who revealed that Universal has forestalled the birth of the long-gestating ...
Universal Pictures has shifted the release dates for Shrek 5 and Minions 3. Shrek 5 will now premiere on December 23, 2026, coinciding with the franchise's 25th anniversary, while Minions 3 will ...
While the Minions ... with Shrek and company. The kids who grew up on those movies are now well into adulthood, but nostalgia has powered mighty box office draws before. 5 most anticipated sci ...