Pokémon TCG Pocket players are eager to see Professor Oak receive a full art card as more iconic trainers continue to join ...
Since its historic launch in October 2024, Pokemon TCG Pocket has quickly become a fan favorite, and the competition is ...
The Triumphant Light SP Emblem Event offers a host of missions, both for participating in battles and for winning them.
Sudowoodo has become a thorn in the side of every Pokémon TCG Pocket player who uses an Arceus ex deck.
Pokemon TCG Pocket's Triumphant Light set continues an unfortunate and unnecessary trend that future releases should address.
Pokémon TCG Pocket’s Arceus EX is facing censorship, thanks to strict profanity filters and DeNA’s history with unfortunate ...
Many Pokemon TCG Pocket players show frustration with the current Pack Points system and want to see a change that benefits ...
Pokemon TCG Pocket is celebrating the release of the Triumphant Light set with an SP Emblem Event, so learn all the details before joining in.
The decks in the “Gible Drop Event” focus on fighting-type cards from Gible’s evolutionary line. The signature cards in the ...
According to the quick slide revealed during the Pokemon Presents live stream, ranked matches will arrive in Pokemon TCG ...
The Pokemon Day influx of news has arrived, and Pokemon TCG Pocket confirmed new booster packs headed our way.
The most consistent decks in Pokémon TCG Pocket to help you win consecutive battles in the Triumpant Light SP Emblem event.