When the Khmer Rouge seized Cambodia, Western intellectuals dismissed reports of atrocities as propaganda. But French missionary Fr François Ponchaud persisted in exposing the regime’s horrors. With ...
Le syndicat français des compositrices et compositeurs de musique contemporaine (SMC) met en lumière les défis économiques et sociaux auxquels sont confrontés. Elle détaille la diminution du soutien p ...
Face aux révélations sur la gestion du Festival d’Angoulême par 9e Art+, le Conseil permanent des écrivains (CPE) exprime son inquiétude. Il dénonce un management toxique, des soupçons de népotisme et ...
Rahim al-Hussaini, the new spiritual leader of Ismaili Muslims, was named as the successor to his father, who died at 88. By Amelia Nierenberg The flight appeared to be the first use of an ...
When Colombia’s president, Gustavo Petro, refused military planes carrying deportees, infuriating President Trump, he revealed how heated the question of deportations has become. By Annie ...