In 1998, astronomers analyzed the behavior of faraway supernovas and discovered that the universe is expanding at an accelerating pace. […] The post The Argument For Why Dark Energy Doesn’t Really ...
Mr. Freeze is coming to Absolute Batman later this year with twists to his character and connections to Joker.
Black holes that have been obscured by clouds of dust still emit infrared light, enabling astronomers to spot them for the ...
Scientists use 3D galaxy maps to uncover hidden details about dark matter and the universe’s large-scale structure.
Space-time may hide a bizarre new kind of black hole that causes Einstein’s theory of gravity to fail – and could solve the ...
Detecting dark matter, the elusive type of matter predicted to account for most of the universe's mass, has so far proved to ...
"This process is like a cosmic CT scan, where we can look through different slices of cosmic history and track how matter ...
The University of California San Diego is positioning itself as a leader in astronomical research as its new Department of ...
By combining data from NASA’s IRAS and NuSTAR telescopes, scientists have uncovered more hidden supermassive black holes than earlier estimates suggested. Their findings indicate that over a third of ...
Rare ultra-faint dwarf galaxies beyond the influence of other galaxies show evidence that star formation was stifled long ago ...