tropical cyclone, Australia and Alfred

Brisbane's ferries have been moved to safety and their Moreton Bay islands counterparts will soon follow suit as Cyclone ...
Weather satellites are capturing the formation and movements of Tropical Cyclone Alfred as it approaches Queensland's south ...
Cyclone Alfred is heading towards the Australian coast, bringing destructive winds and heavy rain and prompting calls for ...
Satellite imagery can help determine the strength, size and cohesion of a storm. The stronger a storm becomes, the more ...
With Cyclone Alfred approaching, the Mooloolaba Triathlon has been cancelled after the council revoked its permit.
Flood watch alerts have been issued for northern NSW as well as warnings for powerful waves and abnormally high tides.
Slow-moving tropical cyclones such as Alfred are more likely to wander, while faster-moving cyclones such as Severe Cyclone ...
NSW has been issued its first cyclone watch in 35 years, as both sides of the Queensland-NSW border prepare themselves for ...