The film primarily follows Thomas (Nicholas Hoult) a salesman who must leave his wife Ellen (Lily-Rose Depp) to travel to Transylvania and meet with the reclusive Count-Orlock (Bill Skarsgard).
In our modern entertainment age, it is easy to be cynical about the number of remakes of older films there are over wholly original stories. Nowadays, I find myself far more interested in watching ...
Winter break marked a seminal occasion for insufferable horror movie fans such as yours truly: the release of Robert Eggers’s long-awaited revamp of F. W. Murnau’s “Nosferatu” (2024). Eggers is best ...
Overall, “Nosferatu” is another great Eggers flick and one of the best Gothic horror pieces of recent memory. More than being ...
Renfield', starring Nicolas Cage and Nicholas Hoult, is finally biting its way to 4K with new slipcover and steelbook ...
This past Christmas, director Robert Eggers, known for “The Lighthouse” and “The Witch,” released his eagerly awaited film ...
Zygi Kamasa has unveiled True Brit horror movies starring Kit Harington, Sophie Turner, Ella Purnell - he wants to return ...
Robert Eggers' newest film "Nosferatu," a remake of F.W. Murnau's of the same name, is a must-see for all horror fans.
Over the past few years, there has been a renaissance within the horror genre. With the waning popularity of major franchise ...
Besides being the most familiar vampire story in fiction, the main draw to the latest "Nosferatu" is Robert Eggers’ atmospheric direction and the actors' delivery.
The filmmaker's most recent movie 'Nosferatu' was set in 1830s Transylvania.
But it’s also a gory, visceral death scene. Orlok is literally devouring Ellen as a meal. He chomps a huge hole in her chest, the blood starts flowing, and Orlok starts slurping. It’s primal. It’s ...