On the beloved Starz series Outlander, Charles Vandervaart, 24, plays a Revolutionary War soldier who rides horses, ...
Walking often seems like a good starting point as we try to lose weight. But how far can it really take us? “As far as you ...
Studies show that when people eat foods rich in fiber, tryptophan and unsaturated fats, they sleep better at night.
I lost about 10 pounds per month for four straight months until I hit 170.” The best part: McCarthy achieved these results ...
Intermittent fasting has gained attention for its potential metabolic benefits, but questions remain about which regimen is ...
Hard requires you to follow a set of nutrition and fitness rules every day for 75 days. Here's what experts and women who've ...
For Alena Boud, her freshman year at BYU involved more struggles than simply getting along with roommates and surviving ...