Peace prospects look bleak in Myanmar as a civil war rages despite international pressure on the military four years after it ...
The Myanmar military government is currently facing its greatest challenge since taking power and is on the defensive in much of the country ...
MOMENTOUS political events have been occurring in the region — Afghan­is­tan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sy­­ria. Much ...
In its latest Watch List, published today (30 January), Bangladesh found its name alongside Moldova, Colombia, North Korea, Sudan, the Great Lakes, Ukraine, Syria, Israel-Palestine and Iran. Each year ...
Based on Transparency International’s estimates of corruption perception indices, Myanmar and Bangladesh are among the most ...
Newark Advocate Faith Works columnist Jeff Gill celebrates the column's 20th anniversary and reflects on just how much ...
Current local time in Japan Standard Time (Japan Standard Time time zone). Get information about the Japan Standard Time time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time ...
My first column here was written in the aftermath of the Dec. 26, 2004, Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, devastating coastal areas of Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Thailand and Indonesia along ...
Amid weak government communication and a lack of transparency, renewable energy has become yet another partisan battleground ...
Austria's far-right Freedom Party (FPO) and the conservative People's Party (OVP) denied on Tuesday their talks on forming a coalition government had collapsed after media reports of a halt, but the ...
We've been reviewing routers sent to us from China from time to time including Xiaomi Mi AX6000, GL.iNet GL-MT6000, NanoPi ...