Episode 1 of the Scamanda docuseries ended with the ultimate bombshell — the reveal of the person who tipped off Nancy ...
Based on the eponymous podcast that became Apple Podcasts’ most shared show of 2023, ABC’s ‘Scamanda’ is a 4-part docuseries that chronicles the fake journey of Amanda Riley, who fakes her cancer ...
Based on the No. 1 podcast of the same name, “Scamanda” tells the story of Amanda Riley, whose tragic cancer tale captivated thousands.
Amanda Riley began serving a five-year sentence at the Federal Medical Center Carswell, a federal prison in Ft. Worth, Texas.
In the TV adaptation of Charlie Webster's viral podcast "Scamanda," ABC News rehases Amanda Riley's cancer con with a few ...
Who is Amanda Riley? Where is she now? What is the true story of her faking cancer? Read on for an update about Amanda ...
S camanda is a 4-part docuseries, based on the popular podcast of the same name, that details the intricate lies that Amber C ...
The series, like the hit podcast that debuted in May 2023, will tell the tale of Amanda Riley, who started documenting her battle with stage 3 blood cancer on a public blog. She fostered a ...
Listeners were left shook when the 2023 Scamanda podcast exposed mom-of-two Amanda Riley for spending seven years faking a battle with cancer to receive money and sympathy from others. Now, the ...