Felix Mantilla, who played for the Houston Astros, along with three other Major League teams, died on Friday at 90 years old, ...
Washington is in agreement on a contract with 2022 All-Star relief pitcher Jorge Lopez, per The Athletic's Ken Rosenthal.
Players report to spring training in just over five weeks, but there are still multiple free agents without a new contract ...
While the Atlanta Braves did not end up signing Jeff Hoffman this offseason, it seems as though that may end up being the ...
Newsweek Sports' ranking of the Top 10 starting pitchers in MLB is headlined by a pitcher who offers high-end performance ...
The Atlanta Braves acquire Luiz Gohara and Thomas Burrows from the Mariners in exchange for Shae Simmons and Mallex Smith.
Soto knows a thing or two about the NL East, considering he spent five years with the Washington Nationals before jumping ...