Daredevil: Born Again is an upcoming Disney+ series based on Marvel Comic's beloved character Daredevil. On January 15, 2025, the most awaited first trailer dropped and provided a glimpse of Matt ...
Born Again has been released, featuring some major reveals from the upcoming Marvel television series coming in March.
Many people collect toys, coins, Legos, comics and other items for the sheer joy of owning merch from properties and ...
With rumours swirling that Marvel Studios will conclude the Mutant Saga with an Avengers vs. X-Men movie, we're taking a look ...
The actress, who played Titania, a powerhouse social media influencer with serious strength, wanted She-Hulk to land a punch in her “vagine.” But as you might expect, Marvel wasn’t exactly on board ...
In the comics, World War Hulk spun out of the events of Planet Hulk, where the Green Goliath ended up stranded on the planet ...
New Champions #2, by writer Steve Foxe, artists Ivan Fiorelli and Ig Guara, colorist Arthur Hesli, and letterer Travis Lanham ...
With Harrison Ford taking on the role of Red Hulk in the MCU, fans may want to know how the character differs from the Hulk.
This isn't the first time we've heard of plans for a World War Hulk adaptation, but according to one reliable insider, the ...
Matt Morrison has been writing about comics and superheroes for nearly two decades. His work can also be seen at KabOOOOOm.com and No Flying, No Tights. When he is not reading comics and writing ...
who in the comics is known as Speed (and has yet to be cast). Whether this team would appear in a new film, or in a Disney+ series, remains to be seen. Here is the full list of Marvel’s ...