The Avatar franchise is set to expand its captivating universe with Avatar: Fire and Ash, releasing on December 19, 2025.
Director James Cameron added some details about “Avatar: Fire and Ash” and also showcased additional images of the movie. It ...
Oona Chaplin (Game of Thrones) plays the leader of the Ash People, Varang. David Thewlis and Michelle Yeoh are also joining the cast alongside returning stars Sam Worthington, Zeo Saldaña ...
Avatar: Fire and Ash lists a host of familiar faces in its cast list, including Zoe Saldana, Kate Winslet, Jemaine Clement, ...
Some new concept art has surfaced for James Cameron ’s upcoming film Avatar: Fire and Ash , and it features Ash Clan of the ...
Varang, the leader of the Ash Clan, is played by Oona Chaplin, arguably known best for her role as Talisa in Game of Thrones. "I didn't quite appreciate how good her performance is until we got the ...
Tons of fan-beloved characters fell throughout Game of Thrones‘ eight-season run on HBO from 2011 to 2019. Based on the ...
"We've doubled the number of shots finished at this stage of the game than we had on movie two [and] the films are about equal length. So that puts us well ahead of the curve, which is something I've ...