"Dog Man," "Snow White," "A Minecraft Movie" and "Lilo & Stitch" are some of the highly anticipated family-friendly movies ...
“Mufasa: The Lion King” is a prequel to the animated 1994 movie and its 2019 remake. Directed by Barry Jenkins and featuring songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda, the film traces how Mufasa came to be ...
See photos of the stars who voice the main characters in Disney's new CG and live-action hybrid movie "Mufasa: The Lion King.
The film chronicles the origins of Mufasa and Taka, two friends whose bond grows so tight they grow up as brothers. Things take a turn as the two cubs are forced to leave their pride behind as ...
"Mufasa: The Lion King" is now in theaters. Get ready to return to the Pride Lands—Mufasa: The Lion King is now in theaters. The film explores Mufasa's backstory and his rise to become the ...