This is the fourth installment in a series of stories exploring memory disorders in the Chippewa Valley. In today’s installment, service providers for individuals with dementia and their caregivers di ...
Tennessee ranks near the top of the list in the U.S. for senior adult who suffer from food insecurity.That's according to new data from the Journal of Retiremen ...
First-year EAST students in 7th grade at Pottsville Junior High School presented QR Code tracking devices they created to help caregivers locate loved ones who may be experiencing symptoms of ...
A certified nursing assistant who allegedly repeatedly punched, slapped and yelled at a 90-year-old resident at a Chattanooga ...
There are two kinds of risk factors for dementia: non-modifiable and modifiable. Non-modifiable risk factors are ones that cannot be changed or eliminated, like aging, family history and genetics.
A dear elderly friend of mine in church is dealing with the dementia of a spouse, and I am grieving for his hurt. He is one ...