The Trump Administration's EPA is trying to increased prescribed burning on wildfire-prone land. It's unclear whether they ...
The pile burning project, called Gregory Beach Pile, was initiated 12:17 p.m. March 6 in Shasta County. The prescribed fire ...
An event this weekend on the heels of an outbreak of wildfires across the state is designed to show South Carolinians that ...
Initial location: Trinity County, Calif. A new prescribed burn, named Mr Admin Pile, was initiated 3:02 p.m. March 10 in ...
In January, my husband and I flew to Las Vegas en route to our godson's wedding near Parker, Arizona. We had daylight for most of the time we were driving ...
Spring prescribed fires planned for Indiana Dunes The National Park Service plans to conduct eight prescribed fires at ...
The prescribed fire has been burning on private land for four hours. At present, specifics regarding the extent of land burned and the size of the crew conducting the prescribed fire are unavailable.
Smoke in southwest Reno is from a controlled burn, officials said. The Nevada Division of Forestry is reducing wildfire risk in Galena Regional Park.
The Tahoe Fire and Fuels Team will continue prescribed fire operations this week at Lake Tahoe, if conditions and weather are ...
The department is requesting that residents near the fire refrain from contacting 911 if they see smoke in the area or on ...
The prescribed fire has been burning on private land for 46 hours. Currently, there is no information available regarding the size of area burned or the crew executing the prescribed fire.
The prescribed fire has been burning on private land for three hours. Currently, there are no specifics as to how much land has been burned or the size of the crew conducting the prescribed fire.