in an all-new animated show called Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. The new show follows a Banner-controlled Hulk supported by a team of his friends and frenemies that include She-Hulk (Hulk's ...
Stan Lee voiced Cliff Walters, She-Hulk's father, in The Incredible Hulk: The Animated Series season 2, episode 2 Down Memory Lane. It was the first time Lee played a character from Marvel Comics.
Emmy-winning actress Tatiana Maslany has been cast as She-Hulk in the upcoming Disney+ TV series, breathing new life into Stan Lee's 80s comic-book character. Maslany's acting chops are well ...
The series is created by Jessica Gao ("Rick and Morty"), and Kat Coiro ("Marry Me") and Anu Valia serve as directors. The She-Hulk comic book character was created by writer Stan Lee and artist ...